Tuesday, November 26, 2013

TWSA F2013 EOT Dinner

Another term has come to an end! 

Please come join us to celebrate the end of another term here at Sushi 99 in Waterloo! 

Feel free to let us know if you're not sure how to get there~ we can help you =D!

Where: Sushi 99
Date: Monday, December 2, 2013
Time: 7:00pm

Who's Invited: Everyone in TWSA!

Thursday, November 14, 2013


 Are you single, playful, fun, hot and/or smart? TWSA is looking for YOU to join our Speed Dating Event - Chat, Play, Love!
Date: Monday November 18th, 2013
Time: 7:00pm to 9:00pm (After Girls-Night-Out Event)
Where: MC 2034
Admissions: Members $2, Non-members $4, TWSA Lady members from GNO FREE!
There will only be 20 spots of each gender! Sign up fast to secure your chance to meet your significant someone!
Come find us in SLC at the booth on Friday November 15th to sign up.


For the Ladies!
Want to experience a makeover? Want to impress that significant someone? Or simply want to look pretty?
TWSA is hosting a makeover event "Girls Night Out" to make this happen!
TWSA proud sponsers; Mary Kay and Salon De Elephant will be there to give out beauty tips and perform the make overs!
TWSA executive members will do the manicures! There will be lots of nail polishes to choose from
Date: Monday November 18, 2013
Time: 5:00pm to 7:00pm
Where: Student Life Center (Room TBA)
Members Special Pricing:
Nail+Makeup+Speed Dating (Chat, Play, Love) entrance fee for only $5
Non-member Pricing:
Nails: $3
Makeup: $3
**Save $1 if you bring your own nail polish!**
 There are only 10 spots available! Sign up ASAP to become one of the 10 lucky girls!
Find us in SLC at the booth on Friday November 15th to secure your spot by payment or deposit.
**Deposits: One nail polish or make that that you want to do at the event**


Want to blow off some steam after gruesome midterms and hell weeks? Come join us at the open gym event for to show your peers that you are not to be trifled with when it comes to sports!
Date: Saturday November 16, 2013
Time: 12pm to 3pm
Where: PAC small gym
Admission: Free for all TWSA members+1 Friend. $2 for Non-members

Thursday, October 31, 2013

TWSA presents our signature event: K-NIGHT!! Come out and sing with us~!! Too shy to sing in front of others? No worries~ we'll have activities prepared for you to social and make new friends !! Dress to impress!! There may be prizes for you to win too !

Door price (2 drinks included):
Members: $13/ $11 (non-alcohol) 
Non-Members: $15/ $13 (non-alcohol)

Saturday, September 21, 2013

Fall 2013 General Meeting!!!

Hi guys and girls!! 
Thanks for being interested in TWSA and signing up with us !! 
Quick reminder about our 1st event General Meeting. It will be held in MC Comfy Lounge on Wednesday, September 25th, at 7:00pm!!

We will be introducing our executives, the discounts at our sponsors, and the events planned for this term!! After that, we will be playing some ice breaker games allowing people to get to know each other !! See you all on Wednesday!!!!! "

Saturday, September 14, 2013

Hi everyone!!
Welcome back for another term of awesome events with TWSA! Hope you enjoyed your summer.
We're so excited to see all of you this term!!
Come out and visit us during clubs day next Thursday (09/19) & Friday (09/20) @ SLC!!

UWTWSA's goal for the Fall 2013 term is to be a supportive group for students on campus, bringing a variety of fun and exciting events catered not only to those with Taiwanese background but to everyone that wants to join. Members will be able to make new friends and have an awesome time.

Membership for the new school year is as follows: $7 / Term $10 / Year

Our club's sponsors and discounts can be found on the Sponsor page.
Any questions/concerns, feel free to post on our facebook wall and one of our awesome execs will be more than happy to answer you.
Remeber to like our page @ http://www.facebook.com/uwtwsa
Feel free to contact us @ waterlootwsa@gmail.com

Sunday, May 12, 2013

New Sponsorships and More!

Hi all TWSA subscribers!

First of all, we are glad to announce that we have partnered up with our newest sponsor, Chatime Toronto 日出茶太! With your membership card, you can now purchase (with cash) at Chatime with a 10% discount!
We will be announcing and introducing more of our sponsors in the upcoming weeks. 

More importantly, our clubs day is happening on May 16th and May 17th at the Student Life Center in UWaterloo campus, so please bring your friends and get ready for a fantastic and eventful term!

See you all there!